If there is an elementary school or high school branch of STEM 4 Youth in your area, we can help facilitate a connection between you and the branch/school!
However, there are a few important things to keep in mind:
Your actions and behavior while volunteering represent STEM 4 Youth as a whole. It is crucial to act respectfully, responsibly, and professionally, as you will be seen as a representative of the organization. This includes treating others with kindness, following instructions, and maintaining a positive attitude.
As a volunteer, you will be responsible for arranging your own transportation to the elementary schools where the volunteering activities take place. This ensures that you can fulfill your commitment and be punctual for the assigned tasks.
The branch leader, who created the branch, holds the leadership role and is responsible for guiding and coordinating the volunteer activities. It's important to listen to and follow the instructions of the branch leader, as they have the experience and knowledge to ensure a successful volunteering experience.
Volunteering at a STEM 4 Youth branch offers several benefits and opportunities.
By actively participating and volunteering at a STEM 4 Youth branch, you can accumulate valuable volunteer hours that can be listed on your college applications. This demonstrates your commitment to community service and involvement in STEM education initiatives.
Your volunteer hours at STEM 4 Youth branches may also count towards the Presidential Service Award. This prestigious award recognizes individuals who have made a significant impact through their volunteer service.
Volunteering at a STEM 4 Youth branch allows you to give back to your community by supporting and inspiring young minds in STEM education. You have the opportunity to make a positive difference in the lives of youth, fostering their interest and enthusiasm for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.